I was tagged by my friend, Brooke for this game. Six random things about me. Here are the rules: Link to the person who tagged you, mention the rules, tell six quirky, yet boring unspectacular things about yourself, tag six other bloggers by linking to them, and then go to each person's blog and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.
1. I love vacuuming!!! Nothing makes me happier than nice fluffy lines in a freshly vacuumed carpet. I would vacuum everyday if it was convenient!
2. I never forget a face. I may not remember the name, but I always recognize people I've seen before in person or on TV.
3. When I was younger, I had MAJOR issues with clothing. It all started in kindergarten. I had to have the perfect outfit for every occasion and would throw a fit if I couldn't wear what I wanted. In elementary school, I would pick out outfits for a week at a time, rubberband the hangers of each part of the outfit together in my closet, and label it with the day of the week I would be wearing it. RIDICULOUS!!! My sister has never let me live that down.
4. I drive like a major grandma!!! Especially at night. I can't see. There are glares everywhere. I drive slow. It drives Kevin crazy! I really am in control though.
5. I'll follow up #4 with something else that my sister has never let me live down.... When I first turned 16, I was driving my Chevy truck that my father so lovingly passed on to me. My brother and sister were with me, and we were in a parking lot that had speed bumps. If I drive like a grandma now, you can only imagine how I drove when I first got my driver's license. Well, I was driving so slow that I rolled halfway up the speed bump and back down the same side. I didn't even make it over.
6. I LOVE REALITY TV!!! I might be the biggest reality tv junky out there. Name the show, I watch it. It's ridiculous!!!
Friday Favorites
21 hours ago
Yeah!!! Thanks for responding. I loved reading about you and getting a good laugh!!! I hope you are having a great weekend and can't wait to see you... Love ya
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