So you've probably seen these two little bottom teeth that Campbell has had since she was 4 months old. And she should be getting those top two front teeth in any day now, right?

Well, Campbell is getting the two teeth OUTSIDE of her two front teeth first. You can see the one on the left has broken through, and the one on the right is close.

That's right, she'll look like she has two little fangs.

Cute little fangs of course. :)

And have you seen this kid's hair? It stands straight up in the back and we can't seem to get it to lay down!
Too funny Lindsay! I just love watching her grow up. Thanks so much for keeping up with your blog. I love it! I hope you are doing well. Summertime in Cali is just around the corner.
Okay that is too funny! Very cute though :) The hair is hilarious too!! I love it :)
Oh my goodness. how adorable and her hair.. soo stinking cute:) and her outfit.. she is just the whole package of cuteness:)
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